Christian De Angelis Apps

QuickLink 1.2
QuickLink allows you to quickly and easily create a link toany website.
AutoTalk 1.2
AutoTalk provides you with the ability tofocusmore on the road and less on your phone!By reading out any text messages that you receive, you can keepyoureyes on the road. Also, if you are connected to a mobilenetwork,you can also respond to text messages, using Android'spowerfulspeech recognition engine!AutoTalk is not limited to only driving. Use it wherever youfeelthe need! At home, on the go, in louder environments, orwheneveryou are just too lazy to respond to text messages.INSTRUCTIONS:Simply open the app for it to read out texts. Even works whentheapp is not in focus, or the screen is off!For responding to text messages, say "Yes", followed byyourmessage. You will be asked to confirm sending the text thatyouhave said, to which respond with "Yes" or "No".
Hubbub 2.0
Hubbub is a lightweight app that can help developers to knowwhether or not there are issues with connecting to GitHub'sservices. Backed by the reliable GitHub Status API, Hubbub is asimple app that displays the current status of various GitHubservices, and also reports recent messages sent by real humanbeings on the GitHub team describing any ongoing issues that arebeing investigated. Hubbub also allows you to receive pushnotifications for up-to-the-minute info whenever GitHub isexperiencing service outages. Just tap the settings icon on themain screen to change your notification settings. **This app is notaffiliated in any way with GitHub.** Hubbub is open-sourced onGitHub! (so meta) Check it out –
HexClock 1.1
See the time. Admire the time. HexClock takes the current localtime and interprets it as a colour. You can use it as regular app,set it as a live wallpaper, or use it as your phone's Daydreamscreensaver. • Use HexClock as your phone's screensaver whencharging! Just select HexClock in your phone's settings as thedefault Daydream provider. • Live wallpaper will only draw thecoloured background, and not the actual time digits. It's muchsimpler this way, and the time is always available in the statusbar. HexClock is now open source! Check it out here – Inspired by /u/zzot on reddit.
Citrus scares away the geese.